Sunday, 15 January 2012

Selfish Parking

Here is one of my pet hates, selfish drivers. Only the biggest of all moron's would park like this. Okay, so the car park is not exactly full, but that's not really the point, is it? These kind of idiots are not fit to be behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. Location is my local Co-op store in January 2012.


  1. My pet hate too. Personally, I wouldn't have blanked out the Reg No.

  2. In Tescos near Newcastle. I parked my car normally. On the driver side there was a small car. I parked with plenty of space for me and for the other driver to get in or out. Anyway I go into Tesco to find a People carrier occupying the spot where the small car was leaving a foot between the car. Don't know how the driver got out. But been of generous build I had to get in my car through the passenger door. I left a note saying "To driver of (reg number). You park like a C***"

    1. Are you aware of this excellent blog?
      (sometimes a bit difficult to open, but always does so persevere).

  3. Yeah Peter I'm aware of the site. Was viewing it last week. Wished I took a photo and sent it. Maybe next time.
